Monday, October 15, 2007

Immigrant's Visa and Residence Permit as Resident's Relative Dependent Status

When filing along with a spouse or a child, more paperwork must be filed. After registering under the FiliaciĆ³n procedure, a certificate of birth for the child, and/or certificate of marriage for the spouse, must be submitted as required for the Immigrant Visa as a Resident’s Dependent

Immigrant's Visa and Residence Permit as Resident's Relative Dependent Status

To grant Immigrant’s Visa and Residence Permit as Resident’s Relative Dependent Status.

Who may apply to this visa and its correspondent residence permit?

The only persons that may apply to this visa are the ones that comply with the relationship degree established by Article 2 of Executive Decree 52 of February 19 of 2003 which are:

a. Parents of the principal petitioner.

b. Spouse

c. Single children under 18 years of age.

Only by exception, the National Director of Immigration and Naturalization may authorize the inclusion as a resident’s relative dependent, children under 25 years of age, single, without children, according to the established policies of the Family Code. Students must comply with the regulation of attending studies in a regular basis in an Educational Centre recognized at the Ministry of Education. Additionally, it must be taken in account that the resident’s dependent is not authorized to work in the country and the violation of this prohibition will cause the cancellation of the Resident permit.

Letter in which the Resident accepts responsibility for the relative claimed as dependent, and assume all the obligations of providing the petitioner with food, house, health, education (if this is the case) and other general expenses, including the commitment of assuming the repatriation expenses, if it is necessary. This letter must include the telephone numbers, home address and place of work where the responsible resident can be located.

Relationship’s evidence [.Marriage certificate or Birth Certificate, according to the case]

Resident’s economic evidence of solvency: [.The resident can prove the mentioned solvency in the following manners: a) An updated and authenticated Tax Income Form issued by the Internal Revenue Service including the payment receipt. The Resident must have a minimum monthly gross income of Five Hundred “Balboas” plus an additional Seventy Five “Balboas” (B/. 75.00) per each dependent. b) Updated work certification letter and the Social Security payment stubs, showing the minimum monthly gross income of Five Hundred “Balboas” plus the additional Seventy Five “Balboas” per each dependent c) Updated Bank reference letter, only if a less than one year time deposit is presented, and the interest earned on such time deposit is for a minimum monthly income of Five Hundred “Balboas” (B/. 500.00) plus the additional Seventy Five “Balboas” (B/. 75.00) per each dependent.

Photocopy of the one year carnet or photocopy of the personal identity card of the responsible resident authenticated by the Civil Registry.

A Petitioner of legal age and under twenty five (25) years old [. . . must provide: a. Study certifications of approved institutions by the Ministry of Education that confirm the regular university student’s condition. The certification must supply the Ministry of Education resolution that approved the above mentioned educational centre (except if there is the University of Panama or the Technological University of Panama. b) Provide proof of the civil status (Single’s certificate). C) Penal and Police record for the last two years, from the country of origin.

Legal Base:

Law-Decree 16 of 1960 and its amendments. Executive Decree 52 of February 19 of 2003.

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