Friday, March 07, 2008

No tourist visa extensions

In case nobody believed us...

--- wrote:


Spent a few minutes at Migracion this am with a friend doing the tourist visa dance.

Bottom line:

Once your 90 days are up, you leave. No extensions. At least for Americans and Canadians anyway. There were more countries on the listso they are not targeting just a few.

That's what they told us and it's printed on a little sign next to Window number 1.


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1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:21 AM

    The problem I have with the endless debate over this mess is no one ever distinguishes between tourist VISAS and tourist CARDS. The law seems to be different for tourist visa vs. tourist card. The former head of migracion complained in La Prensa last year how it was unfair that the new law limits those with tourist visas to 90 days while those with tourist cards can stay 180 days. That doesn't seem to be true, but is it?


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